WHAT’S UP: I decided to draw a professional wrestler!!
DARBY ALLIN: Samuel Ratsch, known as Darby Allin, is an American professional wrestler taking the world by storm. Although his body is short and skinny compared to an average, stereotypical pro-wrestler, Darby makes up for it with his fearless, stuntman-type move set. Disregarding human life, Darby incorporates reckless skateboarding tactics into his ruthless pro-wrestling matches. Being a mishmash of a pro wrestler and skateboarder, Samuel Ratsch blends these physically taxing sports to feel alive.

PROCESS: When drawing Darby, I wanted to capture the grittiness and violence of his pro wrestling career. This sketch I drew started as the base. I then refined the sketch to make it more ink-brush-like.

MORE PROCESS: After small adjustments, I wanted to incorporate more color into this piece! I played around with multiple color blends. (B/W/R, Greyscale, Redscale)